Wall of History: Biweekly Update Summary #6: Born Again

It is said that all endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born. My beginning was much the same.

Mata Nui, BIONICLE: The Legend Reborn

Wow, another biweekly update summary already? Time really flies. This week, we’ve got something that’s been long overdue…

We’ve been unable to add The Legend Reborn to Wall of History until now due to the fact that it could still be purchased or rented on various streaming platforms, such as YouTube. However, as far as we can tell, it’s now been removed from all of those, in all regions. The movie itself has been added to the site in 1080p HD, while Metus’ Revenge is in 480p (as it was only released on the DVD, at that resolution).

We hope you enjoy this update! Internal improvements to Wall of History’s reference functionality are still being worked on, and we hope to have an update on them soon.

UPDATE: The Legend Reborn has now been added to the BioMedia Project as well, along with numerous DVD bonus features! Check it out here.

