Myths and Legacy: The Definitive 2007 Serial Experience

Myths and Legacy is proud to announce the next major update to the BIONICLE Destinies: definitive Bionicle serial reading experience!

Enjoy the 2007 serials as you’ve never seen them before!

To celebrate the completion of Annals of Icarax, the “lost” 2007 story serial, we have assembled all four 2007 serials into a complete story! Weaving together Into the Darkness, Dreams of Destruction, The Toa Nuva Missions (a novelized edition of The Toa Nuva Blog), and a novelized rendition of Annals of Icarax, the story is now seamless and complete.

But that’s not all! Included in this package is a brand-new, hot-off-the-press “lost” chapter of Into the Darkness. Set between the story’s ninth and tenth chapters, this missing section fills continuity plotholes between that story and BIONICLE Legends 7: Prisoners of the Pit. On top of this, this brings its total chapter count up to ten like the other three stories. Check it out and let us know what you think!

We are proud to provide this complete rendition of the 2007 serials. Six months to the day after the original launch of the BIONICLE Destinies, our “definitive edition” finally extends backwards into the earliest year of story serials. But the project is far from over, and in the coming months, we look forward to announcing where the Destinies will go next.

In the meantime, stay tuned next week for the release of Heart of Metru Nui, a story set concurrent to Annals of Icarax and the second sequel to BIONICLE Legends: Invasion!

The definitive serials:

