MOC: subparfauxpas’s Toa Tuyet

Up next on the list of Tuyets, we have subparfauxpas’ take on the character. Originally built for entry on TTV’s cancelled cannon contests, this Tuyet is now an entry in Duckbrick’s Fanon Tuyet contest.

Like last week’s featured creation, this is based around the Toa Metru torso, but varies considerably on the aesthetics. This version of Toa Tuyet looks more like a being wearing armor, rather than a mechanical Toa. However, this Tuyet is unmistakably a warrior and would sell that idea even if you took her sword away. This version of Tuyet reminds me of Shredder from TMNT. Although some of the parts are considerably newer than what was available at the time, I feel like we could replace Purple Dave’s shredder with this Toa of water and none would be the wiser.

The shoulder armor takes an unusual deviation in typical Metru design, and has been affixed to the torso rather than the upper arm. This allows the upper arm better articulation and structural integrity for the swinging motion, even if the range of motion above the head is restricted.

Although this Tuyet’s sword is not especially complex compared to some of the custom built designs running around, there is a good reason for that. Many of the recent Toa Tuyet creations coming through are intentionally using simpler designs in favor of making them easier for fans to replicate, as advised by Duckbricks. As shown above, subparfauxpas has taken this into account and broken down the design to the point where most long-time builders should have no trouble replicating it. The custom mask files from Thingiverse, and paint used to try and match the mask to the colorscheme are noted as well. Builder Student Scissors is also credited for the assembly used to convert the torso into a single swinging-arm mechanism.

You can see more of subparfauxpas’ designs here on Flickr, which include other Toa Metru designs as well as some excellent CCBS with smaller brick detailing for equipment. Many of these creations even show break-downs to help teach viewers the construction techniques involved!

