MOC: Kabrua

While trying to pick out this week’s MOC Spotlight, I found a MOC by Kodiak on our discord and checked out his flikr album. After talking to Kodiak for a bit about his MOCs, he mentioned his Kabrua as a recent favorite. I took a better look, since I originally glanced over him, and found myself impressed by what I had missed. The legs in particular had me impressed, running the piston through the wide gap of the piraka limb. The colorscheme and playable design had me wishing I could have pulled this off a store shelf so I could spend an hour just flexing the knee.

Kabrua is designed to be the Tuma of the Sand Tribe. He’s described as taller and stronger than the average Vorox in the Yesterday Quest. The hero Factory launcher is supposed to be the blaster Velika gave him



What is even more impressive is that Kodiak’s take on Kabrua was selected for review by DuckBricks in their quest to review sets of every fan-cannon character. After consulting with Kodiak to build their own, they dedicated nearly an entire 18 minute video to the MOC, giving us a thorough look at it’s articulation and noting interesting details about it’s construction.

You can see more of Kodiak’s work on flickr, Instagram and Twitter, where you can also see some interesting photography combined with the MOCs.

