MOC: Anuvis 1.7

This is a creation by ThatSovekGuy

Systems: Online

Initializing Model 1.7…


Weapons Warming Up….

Checking For New Objectives…

One New Objective Found: Terminate Marked Target

Visual Test: CompletedWeapons

Completed Warming Sequence

Requesting Permission To Release Leash…


-Starting ObjectiveLocate Model 1.6

The Boss Gets What The Boss Wants


I don’t see the yellow Rahkshi parts used very often, though the MOCs I see them in usually look pretty good. I particularly like how ThatSovekGuy makes use of the rubber hoses, threading them throughout the back to give it’s colorscheme more depth and help make it look mechanical. The off-yellow of the hoses also helps blend in the other shades of yellow from different production years. The silver weaponry and it’s curved shape also matches up well with his spine.

As for constructive criticism, I wish the lower legs had more yellow armor overtop. It seems like too much exposed black on the front compared to the well armored torso. I also don’t quite understand the purpose of the bulky construction around the waist, I think that could be streamlined a bit. I think Anuvis 1.7 might also look a touch better with a couple more silver spikes on his back.

You can see more of ThatSovekGuy’s content here on his youtube. Most of his MOCs are in the shorts section. The majority of his videos are a mix of voiced stop motion and live action BIONICLE content (though has some occasional profanity). You can find his linktree for additional content here.

