MNOG 2001 Update: Fixed Text Encoding Issue

A few keen-eyed users noticed a text encoding issue with non-ASCII characters in our 2001 restored version of Mata Nui Online Game, like the curly apostrophe in the screenshot above (where other incorrect characters would be shown instead).

This turned out to be a strange edge-case in Flash Player where SWF4/SWF5 content loaded into a SWF6 movie uses the wrong encoding. To avoid this issue we had to reconstruct the menu system using only Flash Player 5 features, so that the entire movie hierarchy would be SWF4/SWF5 movies, except for one child SWF6 movie with the code to handle the actual save feature code…

…which is a whole lot of words to say, it’s fixed now in version 1.2.0 available here!

