Hero Factory On LEGO® S@H, BOGO Half Off an TRU S@H

Toys”R”us’ Shop At Home website is having a Buy One Get One half-off sale on their Hero Factory sets (And Perhaps other LEGO® products?). BZP had also reported seeing most of the new sets on LEGO Shop At Home, and they were certainly there for some time, but in the middle of writing this news post they seem to have been removed. If they do pop up again, TRU’s deal is not only better, but they seem to have more HF 2.0 sets than LEGO S@H listed. Perhaps anyone looking for a last minute gift can use their savings to splurge on super-fast shipping for Christmas-Eve delivery? OOPS: They never left, TLC’s S@H keeps defaulting to United Kingom for me somehow, where they are NOT available.

