Statement on Takua 64 Developer Controversy

Since highlighting the announcement of Mario 64 mod Takua 64 last week, several community members have gotten in contact with the Mask of Destiny staff regarding the beliefs of the developer, Superstupidy. As evidenced by his social media activity, it would appear this individual is decidedly unsympathetic to women, minorities, and the LGBT+ community, and is a fan of infamous Nazi sympathizer Stonetoss. In response to this realization, offers of involvement in 810NICLE Day 2022 made to this individual have been rescinded, and we would highly recommend community members exercise caution in further interactions with him.

Edit (2022/01/25):

Following requests from the community, this article is being updated with a sampling of the relevant posts from the developer’s Twitter likes, including those the aforementioned concerned community members used to bring this to our attention.


  1. Just discovered this and I have to say, this situation can only be described as pathetic. A bunch of potentially grown adults acting like children because they can’t handle the fact that someone has a different political opinion than they do. This kind of behaviour is exactly why the “divide” continues to grow instead of heal. Left doesn’t like right, right doesn’t like left? We don’t agree on politics so the other side must be evil. It’s so childish and it’s hard to believe how normalized it’s become. I can’t believe how many people have become so soft and fragile over the past 20 years. When it comes to politics, I can say that both sides make some great points while also saying some of the dumbest most hateful shit ever. It’s not exclusive to anyone. Does this mean I’m 50% evil depending on who I talk to? Here’s the reality: Chris Hayes can make some excellent points at times, but he’s also a big proponent in creating division. Tucker Carlson can make some excellent points at times, but he’s also a big proponent in creating division. Just like all these other talking heads on both the right and the left. There is no perfect human being and no perfect way of life, no perfect way of thinking. There is flaws in everything. What you may think is righteous more than likely tramples all over someone else in some way.

    We’re talking about video game mods here, and the so called “leaders” of this community want to exclude someone based on political ideology. You know what that sounds like? Ironically it sounds like the actions of a Nazi, you know, someone this dude supposedly sympathizes with. Just because someone agrees with “some” of the ideas of someone else doesn’t make them that person. People are far more dynamic than that. Most people are good people no matter what side they are on. If that wasn’t true, there would be absolute chaos everywhere you go. The daily death toll would be in the millions. But it’s not like that. And you know why that is? Because in real life, most people are actually good. In real life, people have to actually act their age in public. But on the internet, people can behave like children under the veil of anonymity. Do you all go around somewhere like Wal-Mart and ask: “Are you a Biden/Trump supporter? You are? You are evil! You don’t belong in this store! Everyone hey lets kick out this left/right winger!”

    Let me make one thing very clear. If you think either the right or the left is the correct path to be on, then you are severely misguided. Neither side is going to lead you to salvation, neither side will end in utopia, neither side is 100% correct on all issues. Blindly following one side leaves you with nothing more than a sense of hatred, a false perception of virtue, and a heightened sense of self entitlement. If you think one side is good while the other is evil then you are only witnessing half of the picture. People who blindly follow a side argue from a foundation of ignorance. There are problems with every single ideology. Everyone has their own beliefs and opinions on what is “right” and what is “wrong”, what is “good” and what is “evil”, every issue has far more nuance than what is usually argued. For example, defund the police. I don’t like cops. Cops can be bad, many of them are racist, many of them do disgusting things like plant fake evidence on people. They shouldn’t get away with these things but they do. But go ahead and try to exist in a society without them where lawlessness runs rampant. You know what happens then? Warlords rise up. And guess what, you end up with a group of people with weapons who “police” those around them. It’s one example of many, many issues where neither side has a good solution to a complex problem and this applies to everything.

    To wrap this up I just want to say that these situations need to come to an end. This is not the path forward. Just because you don’t agree with someone doesn’t make them a bad person. All this banning and censorship that has been going on comes at a cost greater than the initial toll of just letting people speak their mind. Pushing people into echo chambers and into darker and darker corners of the internet where they are surrounded with only like minded people is not a healthy way of public discourse. It’s ironic because the same people who call for this stuff are usually talking about treating everyone equally and that everyone deserves the same respect regardless of race, gender, etc. All I’m saying is try to practice the ideals you preach. Recognize the irony in your actions. By blindly screaming “bigot” at someone because you don’t agree with them, you may actually be the bigot in the situation because you lack a deeper understanding of why they think that way to begin with.

    • That’s a lot of grandstanding for someone protecting a political party that actively seeks to hurt minorities. This isn’t a matter of “Why can’t we all be friends”, it’s “The right is actively intolerant of minorities and their right to exist openly.”

      It’s an absurd argument to say that I should accept some parts of my family, despite the fact they’re literally active members of the KKK, a known hate group and terrorist group.

      Playing the Nazi card against leftism, when the right literally has Nazis in it would be hilarious, if it wasn’t so stupid.

      Forgive me if this seems scatterbrained. I haven’t seen such a perfect example of “Enlightened Centrism” in the wild before. Pick a side. Anyone with half a brain can tell you probably fit more on the right than you claim.

  2. I don’t think this is fair, you’re treating him as he was some kind of criminal by saying “we would highly recommend community members exercise caution in further interactions with him” and calling him a nazi. And also, you say in his social media he do that, but, 0 evidences? really? why we have to trust you?

    On this days everything is racist, lgbtphobic, mysoginist, etc. Just like on early 2000 everything was of the devil and satanic. So, just claiming that something is aaaaall the things you said it is, is very suspicius, and maybe an exaggeration.

    • Did you even read the statement? We never said Superstupidy himself was a Nazi, we just pointed out that he is a fan of a known Nazi sympathizer, which is an observable fact (the statement has been updated with examples of this).

      • You cancel him bc he liked some posts on Twitter xD Seriously, that’s it? I thought it was something serious. Find some other hobby if Bionicle is not enough for you and don’t look for the problem where it doesn’t exist.

      • Okay? That’s great. Say I don’t know anything about World War II, and I decide to grow out a “toothbrush” mustache. (That’s the name of Hitler’s ‘stache style, by the way.) If I go outdoors, or take a selfie, or anything that lets other people see said mustache while I have it, people are going to assume I want to be the next Hitler. Does that mean it’s true? Heck no! Maybe I just like the mustache! Is that anyone’s fault? Am I allowed to like a character in a book or movie (say, Voldemort from Harry Potter) while not exactly agreeing with their actions? As a minor, I think everyone in this world really needs to grow a pair (of brain cells,) because this is ridiculous.
        By the way, don’t tell me the example I just used is pathetic and/or “overreacting” or “too far” – *you people are calling him a Nazi sympathizer.*

    • It’s-a me, the consequences of one’s actions! “cAnCeL cUlTuRe” isn’t real. I, for one, am very excited to play Takua 64 should it still release, but I can’t conscionably support someone who thinks the rights of someone like me should be taken away because of an inalienable fact about myself.

      • “Cancel culture isn’t real” says while actively calling out for complete ostracism within A WHOLE COMMUNITY and shunning someone’s presence based on merely opinion and association.
        And on top of that not even that extreme opinions that would make him an actual threat to anyone and I say this having looked at a good bunch of his twitter history of likes. Even the pics you showed on the original thread are nothing that punishable. As for association are you going to witch-hunt everyone liking Faber’s stuff because he foolishly went knee deep into the NFT trend as well?

        “the consequences of one’s actions! ” He just pressed like on some posts! He didn’t even commit ANY CRIME AT ALL. Lest advocate to actually harm those collectives, but of course anything less than total undying and blindful loyalty is worse than any actual warcrime, now isn’t it?

        Is this REALLY what are we going to as a community? Because one thing is “banning” people that are actually hazardous in the most literal and real ways like harassers and another one is isolate every element that doesn’t think like I do 90% of the time all because of the nasty polarized environment there is at the moment and heavily biased in the most vocal parts of the community.
        We are talking about plastic robot figurines here, worse a DISCONTINUED plastic robot figurine franchise. Our fanbase ain’t getting any younger and possible any bigger, if we pull the trigger so happily like that we are going to get to zero sooner or later if the other maelstroms in the fanbase don’t catch up first.

        As a last note in this wall of text: “conscionably support someone who thinks the rights of someone like me should be taken away because of an inalienable fact about myself.”
        You are being completely disingeneous, I’ve seen a lot of bad takes and opinions that would legit fall into that and the post he likes are nowhere near that level.
        “But it’s just a step before that” I could say the same about this whole ordeal.

        • Cancel Culture exists. If it doesn’t, we wouldn’t have cases like Johnny Depp, or like James Gunn were they lost their jobs bc social judgment (cancel culture). Maybe this isn’t the case at all. Maybe is fair this time. But who knows? and i don’t know who gave you the right to say that thing as “cancel culture doesn’t exist” #shutupgringo

        • I think there’s a difference between “cancel culture” and “consequences of one’s actions”.

          “Cancel Culture” is often bait to try and avoid the problems the person in question has.

          Consequences are when you follow racist/homophobic/bad twitter accounts, then a large group that was going to promote your content backs out, and recommends people do their due diligence when interacting with you.

          And yeah, banning can isolate people, but as community leaders, we’re sorta obligated to remove problem users. We don’t have to give hate a place to spread its vitriol. It’s the paradox of intolerance. To avoid intolerance, you have to be intolerant of intolerance. When you give bad groups a space to express themselves, that just lets them spread their hate.

          But yes, let’s proclaim “cAnCeL cUlTuRe!!1!” and not deal with the actual problem, which is that this guy is following and liking offensive content producers.

          • “I think there is a difference between cancel culture and consequences of ones actions, cancel culture is non existant”
            You could have said that and you could have avoided wasting characters since it’s basically the same thing.

            “Consequences are when you follow racist/homophobic/bad twitter accounts, then a large group that was going to promote your content backs out, and recommends people do their due diligence when interacting with you. ”
            So we do have trials of guilt by association is that it? Let’s forget the fact that you can follow or like posts of x person but not be 100% of the time on the same boat. Besides how has that transpired into his actual relationships with the community? because that matters way more than what he has on his Twitter feed. And besides that nothing that has been shown here is even worth the exclusion of anyone. I’ve seen way nastier opinions out there and this doesn’t come way near it.

            “but as community leaders, we’re sorta obligated to remove problem users.” What a mighty saviour complex and delusions of grandeur we got ourselves into, Your Sanctity. If I’m not mistaken, ginko, you administrate a chunk of the community and as such it is your obligation to remove users that are nasty to it because of the way they act and because they break rules,not to do preemtive strikes based on what he likes on his private account, hell even in other cases where people have been cancelled over wrongthink it was because of things they actively posted. This is it, this is the level of absurdity we are getting to.
            And don’t come up to me with the “paradox of intolerance” because that’s utter bollocks. And even if it weren’t bollocks, what hate can someone talking about a freaking game based on Mario and Bionicle even bring to the table. Hate crimes against the Rahi?? Po-Matoran supremacy???

            “not deal with the actual problem, which is that this guy is following and liking offensive content producers.”
            Offensive meaning “I don’t like them” is that it? Because I see nothing in here actually offensive beyond that.
            Just like the no politics rule in your discord server but you can say “punch a nazi lmao” because “hey that’s not political” even though the fact that you would label as such anyone found even slightly agreeing with Stonetoss (who is branded nazi by r/antifa, great metric of measuring what bad is really, the subreddit dedicated to following the same ideology a bunch of bootlicking rioters do) kinda is.

            • Hey, if you aren’t happy with the community’s leadership, I have great news for you! They don’t want you in this part of the fanbase any more than you want them leading it. Thankfully, for discerning users such as yourself, there is a tight-knight offshoot of “like-minded” Bionicle fans right on 4chan’s /toy/ board. I encourage you to join their bastion of free speech and enjoy all the perks of an internet community with absolutely no standards! Don’t come back.

              • Of course I am not happy with the “community leadership” you sarcastic prick, because in a community of people sharing a hobby there should be no leadership, this isn’t a freaking Church it’s a fanbase and thus it’s as heterogeneous as both its users and the webpages they dwell. The moment you start placing the tag of “community leaders” to what are just moderators of a few websites you are creating an artificial super-hierarchy that ends up causing all sorts of issues and I am even saying this taking the political thing and tossing it aside. Should I remind you of the several hour long voice chat about a contest where EVEN the so called leaders had a wide spectrum of opinions after months and months of bickering and desorganization?
                But alas your choice of username was ironically pretty fitting, just a motivated lapdog of some greater power much like the Destroyer was.

            • If you don’t think sexist/nazi/trans or homophobic content is “offensive”, it sounds like you’re a real peach. If you want to go play the game, promote it, etc, feel free, but you are actively promoting someone who promotes despicable viewpoints.

              And yes, I do moderate a chunk of the community. And this wasn’t a preemptive strike. There’s pretty blatant evidence on their twitter account. It ain’t a private one. They have it connected to their youtube channel for the game, they actively post content for it, and they also like posts made by nazis. That’s by no means a private account.

              As for “What hate can someone talking about a freaking game based on Mario and Bionicle even bring to the table. Hate crimes against the Rahi?? Po-Matoran supremacy???”, there’s quite a bit. When you give hate a voice, it spreads.

              But hey, like that other guy said, if you want some lawless place with no leadership, go somewhere else. 4chan would probably love you. Or hell, make your own site. I’d be curious to see how well something with absolutely no leadership does.

              Everyone is allowed to their own thoughts, and this guy made his public. We’re allowed to withdrawal an offer of promotion, something we aren’t obligated to do in the first place.

              • I browsed a huge chunk of his feed, the most controversial stuff he has liked is that regarding Kyle because there are casualties in that issue. Again unless you consider anything else other than hardcore progressism nazi you’re just playing the guilty by association card because he liked (some of) Stonetoss posts. Which if we go by that we could also play the same game with everyone that reveres El Che.

                ” There’s pretty blatant evidence on their twitter account. It ain’t a private one. They have it connected to their youtube channel for the game, they actively post content for it, and they also like posts made by nazis. That’s by no means a private account. ”
                Does that make it less private? Should he hide in a hole to like whatever he wants while other members of the community do the same shit but on the opposite side of the spectrum? Also, I swear to god, I’ve seen way more extreme shit on that cesspool of a social media with a blue bird by both sides than why this guy is being judged by. Talking even about the gallery in this page, it seems only one side of the bullshit is allowed and the other is constricted until the most absolute inch where everything that is not on that predilect side is the enemy by action, inaction, association and/or belief.

                ” there’s quite a bit. When you give hate a voice, it spreads. ”
                Look it wasn’t until someone started digging to put some of that dirt into his eye that we knew this guy liked that crappy artist.Weren’t for that and noone even until after 8/10 would have known. The guy is here to talk videogames not to talk about the current state of politics.
                “But hey, like that other guy said, if you want some lawless place with no leadership, go somewhere else. 4chan would probably love you. Or hell, make your own site. I’d be curious to see how well something with absolutely no leadership does. ”
                Well last I heard they didn’t spend months trying to figure out a contest and the contests they did back when resin casters were in there in 2015 were nice. Plus ,apparently unknown to both of you, 4chan does have moderation and rules despite the fact that they don’t have an iron fisted grip allowing more freedom of discussion for better or worse. And I am not saying that the subreddit,TTV, the discord server or whatever doesn’t need leadership (or more correctly moderation).


                One thing is to organize stuff be it mini events and projects and the other is act like a Council that decides what goes and what doesn’t on very arbitrary terms. Same way one thing is saying “careful of this man that atm owes 1k dollars” to “careful of this man who pressed like on nono posts on twitter”.

                “We’re allowed to withdrawal an offer of promotion, something we aren’t obligated to do in the first place.”
                That’s fair an all but what is being discussed is the motives behind that withdrawal.

              • “When you give hate a voice, it spreads.”

                Coming from the same person and people that clam that a person that liked a few tweets to be a Nazi, Homophobe, Transphobe, What ever the
                fuck kind of stupid term you idiots make up to feel better about yourselves sound pretty damn hateful.

                “Hypocrisy? What’s that?”

                • Just gotta love how stupid these Moderators of their own bits of the community are that they make a council of idiots who think they can control a community for a dead toy line.

                  • They have the right to enforce their standards for how they want their community to behave. You don’t have to like it. But setting the standards to exclude people who enjoy Nazi-sympathizers is pretty standard for anyone with basic morals.
