The Easterahk Bunny Is Here!


For lack of a better name, this MOC is called Bunnyrahk, part Bunny part Rahkshi. I made it to go with my Easterahk, an easter themed Bohrok I made becasue Bohrok roll up into a ball which somewhat resembles an egg.

I was originaly trying to build a plain everyday bunny for the front page, but I couldn’t quite get it right. I noticed that the Rahkshi head sort of resembled a bunny’s face, and I was using rahkshi feet for the big feet on the animal, but I couldn’t quite get the torso right. I put two and two together and realized if I made it a bunny themed rahkshi, it would fill in the gaps and it turned out rather well, down to using the matching Rahkshi’s staff tip for a big almost fluffy looking tail.

If you would like to join Mask Of Destiny in the Easter celebrations, please build your own Bunnyrahk or Easterahk (or even other easter themed creations) and send it in to our email, or post it on our forums. Im hoping to post each of them on the front page news throughout the month.


