Got MOC?

First of all, every time I post a MOC I get a surge of e-mails asking me to post instructions. The second set of photo instructions for TURAGA NUI took me about a week to produce, and that was when MoD was getting a lot less traffic. Unfortunately, even if I wanted to, I stopped having that kind of time back sometime around October.

Second, yes, I have built KOPAKA KINO and TAHU KINO, and I will be posting images of them…at some point. The only thing holding that up is the two remaining KANOHI KINO, which I still have to paint. Given that it takes me about a full day of painting to finish one piece, it’s probably going to be a while before I can get back to that project, but I will finish it.

Third, at 12:01 AM CST on Saturday, March 23rd, I will be posting a very special MOC, which I feel is my best yet. I’ve been working on it for almost half a year, and yesterday I finally got the last batch of parts that I needed to finish it. Using parts from five TAHU, three VAKAMA, two NUI-RAMA, TORCH, a car, and seventeen pairs of eyes, and a bunch of assorted miscellaneous pieces, I have constructed a…oh wait, that would spoil the surprise! I guess you’ll just have to stop by on Saturday, won’t you? 🙂

